Currently Available

000 Flat Top

A more "historical" design, our 000 is a smaller bodied guitar, joined at the 12th fret, and has a traditionally slotted head stock.

Plenty of power and punch, with a rich warmth usually found in larger bodied guitars.

Shown here in an "LX" version at $6,000 to $8,000
w/bound rear head stock face.


Neck Dimensions
Scale length 25.50"
Nut width 1.75"
Total neck depth at first fret .75"
Neck width at 9th fret 2.125"
Total neck depth at 12th fret .875"
String spacing at bridge saddle 2.250"
Neck profile tapered ellipse

Body Dimensions

Upper Bout 10.625"
Waist 8.812"
Lower bout 14.75"
Body length 20.125"
Depth at neck 3.25"
Depth at tail 3.75"
Total length 40.125"